Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Still Unpacking

Here I am still unpacking. This is the longest it has ever taken me to unpack from a move. Usually within two or three days I am unpacked and settled in. We have been here a month and I am still not done. My sister Marni is coming over tomorrow to help me hang pictures etc. I am so excited. I can't wait to feel settled in. Every day my husband and I work on getting some project done around the house and a little more unpacked. Yesterday was a big day for me. I hung up curtains in my bedroom and on the living room door (there is a small window in the door that shines into my son's gameroom. We have had a high school movie swimming towel over it for about three weeks now. From the outside it looks so ghetto. So it was time I fixed it). I switched the door knobs on my bedroom and my daughters because our lock was broken and my husband kept bugging me about IT, so I finally switched them (cause you have to have a lock on the door). I was even able to take Bella to the Vet. for her last shot, YEH! and I went to Walmart. Today I went to Home Depot to get two plants for outside our front door. My husband and I took Jarom to Olive Garden (had a gift cert.), Addison couldn't eat anything there (more on that in another post to come) so she stayed with her friend. Then we worked on the game room and laundry room. Boy I'm tired. If I ever say "I want to move" again, someone please slap me. Thanks to ALL the family and friends that helped us with this move, cleaning both houses, painting, unpacking and everything else you all helped us with. Could not have done it without you. This move has been really good for our family. So it is all for the best.


Moira-Lin said...

Wow - you did get alot done yesterday. I am excited to see the curtains.

Marni said...

We were happy to help! You have helped us MANY times with moves! We love you!

M'Liss said...

Thanks you guys for everything. I sure love my sisters. You couldn't ask for better sisters or friends.