Monday, January 12, 2009


Is Sunday a Hard day for anyone else? We all finally made it to Sacrament meeting after months of being home with Addison. I was hoping for the whole church experience but Sacrament meeting was as long as the kids lasted. Addison's tummy hurt and Jarom has these horrible planter warts on the bottom of both feet. I have put off taking him to the Dr. because it seemed like I just could never find the time. Needless to say we are going on Friday. Hopefully the Dr. will be able to help him out because he can hardly walk on them for any long amount of time. ANYWAY, yesterday was my mom's birthday and my sister planned a surprise b-day party at her house for mom. Every one came and we had a great time. Until... Jarom had a teenager moment and we decided we better head home. So after sending Jarom to bed when we got home and everyone had finally calmed down Clint, Addison, and I sat down to watch Happy Feet. I had gotten myself a big glass of ice water, YUM, and was watching the movie. Bella loves to sit on the back of my neck when I am on the couch. OK no big deal until... She started hacking and coughing. And out comes a little BB (one that goes in a Air Soft Gun- Jarom has them all over his game room). I didn't see where it went but because we are talking about my luck here I figured it went into my Ice water that was sitting on my lap. Clint and Addison both said ,"NO it rolled down onto the floor". OK whatever. Later after I had finally gotten everyone, but Bella (she is worse than a kid trying to get her to go to bed), and was reading a book and finishing up my ice water, I got to the end of my water and was crunching on my ice when guess what I found? The stinkin BB Bella had hacked up earlier. Sure enough it had rolled down right into my water cup. Ain't life grand!!!


Moira-Lin said...

OH NO!!! Boy, you had quite the day yesterday! Did Addison make it to school today? She looked pretty good last night. I hope you have a better week! :)

Val said...

Oh that is nasty!!
You poor thing. As for sacrament, I forgo it sometimes because I just don't feel like dealing with Jax there. I should have yesterday because we were in the foyer before the opening song. After 20 min of crying go home and get my power rangers he finally told me he is going to kill me I grabbed him by the neck and told him to never talk like that again and apparently I broke skin so that triggered another fit.

Marni said...

There is never a dull moment at the Fincher house! Hopefully today you are enjoying a nice quiet day...home alone!

Grandma Carla said...

M'Liss, I don't usually laugh at someone else's misfortune. But, darn, that was funny! It would only happen to you or me or...well, silly things just happen. I remember the time Dad held the baby I was babysitting up in the air to "talk" to him and sure enough, the kid burped up right in his face. Gosh, why do I find that funny? I need a pill.